Easy-Data Mediaplayer
This application is small, portable and plays almost every movie format out there. It is capable of playing movies in high resolution even on older computers. The player is packed with effects you can use: adjust picture/sound, equalizer, OSD layers, Text etc, along with several filters. You can you watch a movie, join several movies into one, split videos, extract audio from a movie, combine audio and video, make movies out of your desktop (or parts of it), create movie out of pictures, decode a movie frame by frame, create snapshots and thumbnails of movie files, create movies from webcam + much more.
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Game Booster can easily and quickly close background processes and unnecessary Windows services, to speed up your game playing and avoid possible conflicts and incompatibility. With the innovative "Enhanced 3rd parties' services detection" technology, Game Booster v2 can automatically detect and close more unnecessary background services. Add and manage your games in a small box and boost the game automatically with Game Booster v2 when launching. PC gamers know how important it is to install new drivers for modern PC games. Now Game Booster v2 keeps every game's specialized drivers up-to-date, including drivers for video/sound cards. Game Booster v2 Simplifies and speeds downloading and updating of necessary game software like Ventrilo and Steam, to enjoy a better gaming experience. With the improved defragment engine, Game Booster v2 can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever. Game Booster v2 can tweak your PC for the ultimate system and Internet speed with a single click. Fine-tune mouse, keyboard, and specialized game controllers with ease Game Booster takes on a vibrant look that greatly appeals to most gamers. The interface is also intuitive for complete computer beginners. Game Booster does not overclock your hardware. Free of any viruses, adware or spyware. Changelog: + "Recommended games" is taken out. + New "Like it" + Updated language files * Fixed general bugs |
Encrypt! Lock! Backup! Anywhere. Anytime.
Folder Lock is a full suite solution for all your data security needs. It lets you keep your personal files protected in a variety of ways, in both PC and portable drives and offers optional backup of protected files to an online storage.
Folder Lock comes with a perfect combination of seven (7) security tools, letting you encrypt your important files using 256-bit on-the-fly encryption; back them up in real-time to an online storage, and store them to any portable device. The program also lets you lock files, folders and drives; save your personal information in Wallets; shred files and clean your Windows History.
Folder Lock comes with additional security settings unheard before, including application level password security, stealth mode, hack security and auto protection. Folder Lock works under all flavors of 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7/Vista/XP and later.
What's New
With Folder Lock 7, you can now not only encrypt your data, but also make backups of that data to your exclusive online storage account. The subscription service, when used in conjunction with Folder Lock 7 Encryption feature, offers the greater benefits of a simultaneous, automatic and real-time encryption and backup, providing both secure backup & recovery redundancy and the fastest data protection without the high cost. Your backups are stored online in a remote location, a cloud fully secured via government-grade encryption in a physically secured location.
Your encrypted storages 'Lockers' are now truly dynamic, portable, faster to create, occupy lesser space when created and grow automatically when you add more files. You can now also open your Lockers from network locations and servers and can allow several users to store their data in them at the same time by setting Windows privileges on the mounted drive. You can also open multiple Lockers at the same time to transfer files between them. Furthermore, you can convert your Lockers to encrypted executable files using the 'Protect USB/CD' feature and can keep them in portable drives and access your data without requiring admin privileges and installation on other PC. Folder Lock 7 is better, faster, more feature-rich, user-friendly, and has a better and bigger user interface.
A comprehensive set of security features has made Folder Lock a house hold name. Whether you are concerned with data confidentiality, want to prevent data loss or want to achieve true portable security, with Folder Lock, your data is impenetrable and accessible to you alone, anywhere and anytime!
Outstanding Features
- Fastest Encryption: With Folder Lock you can now encrypt your files faster than ever. The program creates Lockers, without taking up much space and grow as you dump files in it. Lockers are encrypted, resizable, portable and ready for backup.
- Automatic Backup: Folder Lock 7 allows you to optionally backup all files and folders you keep in your encrypted Lockers automatically while you continue to modify or access your encrypted files.
- Additional Security: Users can now achieve true portable security, application level password security, activate stealth options, shred files, make wallets, clean history, auto protect the application and all its files, use virtual keyboard to type passwords to prevent key logging of any kind and can prevent hacking and incorrect password attempts.
- True Ease of Use: Folder Lock 7 leverages NewSoftware's highly regarded graphical user interface. Existing Folder Lock users will be immediately productive: it's the same great console they already know and love. New users will find Folder Lock 7 remarkably easy to configure and use. Even relative novices can use all features of the product without going through all the jargon and how tos.
Download Here »
Description of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for GBA
EditByBSEditor: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a 2004 computer and video game that was released concurrently with the film release of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The GBA version is an RPG, which more closely resembles the GBC versions of the previous two games rather than the PC versions of the previous two. It has similar gameplay to many Pokémon games.
Requirements: No special requirements
Advanced SystemCare Free 5 uses its powerful arsenal of optimization tools to keep your PC feeling fresh and clean. It also includes a couple of features that could help boost performance for either gaming or work purposes--your choice.
Advanced SystemCare's Quick Care option includes the ability to clean your registry, perform a rudimentary malware scan, fix and remove broken shortcuts, delete junk files, and erase browsing tracks. It works in a flash, requires almost no user input, and to make things even easier, can be configured to run on system startup.
The Deep Care option, on the other hand, takes system care to another level. It performs all of the Quick Care items to a much deeper degree, plus it adds several other scans and fixes to its checklist, including disk defragmenting, a Windows vulnerability fix, and a system optimization with several presets. Understandably, this kind of deep digging can sometimes make a user nervous. Fortunately, the program's log records all of its activities, letting you see how each affects your computer.
Scan times for the Quick Care and Deep Care options differ significantly, yet, both processes still seem blazingly fast. For instance, we completed a Deep Care scan in approximately 15 minutes, which is an impressively short time for a system-invasive program like this.
Brand-new to version 5 is the Active Boost function, which runs in the background and automatically improves PC performance by managing your system resources. We recommend enabling it, as it even keeps a log of all the active processes that it manages to speed up. Also important, Version 5 connects to the cloud in order to keep its database up to date.
As for Advanced SystemCare's user interface, we were impressed, to say the least. The main dashboard is superclean, with nifty icons and intuitive navigation. Plus, there's an unimposing smiley face always at the bottom of the screen, indicating your PC's overall health. If you click the Status button next to the smiley, you can also get more detailed info from the system performance monitor.
One part of the program we recommend new users approach with extreme caution is the Turbo Boost, which can be set to optimize for either gaming or work purposes. It sounds fun, but you must first configure the tool by telling it which core system services to disable in order to accelerate your computer's performance. Since the Turbo Boost section doesn't spell out how disabling these services might affect your computer, we highly recommend doing your research before exploring. To its credit, though, Advanced SystemCare can create rescue points, so it's not hard to undo changes if you end up making any mistakes.
One small problem we found was that some of the program's options open in new windows, while others open in the same window. Those in the same window have convenient back-navigation buttons in the upper left; those in new windows are sometimes overlaid directly on top of the previous window and make it hard to see how to return to the previous screen. Also, we were a bit turned off by the cleverly disguised ad for Roboform Password Manager during installation. It looks a bit like a terms-of-service sheet, so be sure to read carefully before your instincts kick in and you automatically click Accept.
Overall, we love Advanced SystemCare's toolset, performance, and convenience. Sure, we wish the program were more explicit about how it changes your computer, but we still think it's an awesome all-in-one system utility, and we highly recommend downloading it.
Publisher's Description
From IObit:
What's new in this version: Version 5.1:
- Added "Privacy Sweep" support for the latest version of frequently-used software: Opera 11.6; Safari 5.1; K-Lite Codec Pack 8.00 (Full); FoxiReader 5.1; Silverlight 5.0; Xfire 1.141; Yahoo messenger 11.5; KMPlayer 3.1; Utorrent 3.1.
- Added "Performance Monitor"
- Added IObit Uninstaller v2.1
- Enhanced support for Windows 8
- Enhanced real-time optimization of ActiveBoost
- Enhanced filtering feat... See all new features
Read more: Advanced SystemCare Free - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com http://download.cnet.com/Advanced-SystemCare-Free/3000-2086_4-10407614.html#ixzz1l2L2UjiB
Transcend Information, Inc. (TWSE: 2451 ) is a Taiwanese company that manufactures and distributes of memory products headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. Transcend's product portfolio consists of over 2,000 devices including memory modules, flash memory cards, USB flash drives, digital audio players, Portable Media Players, portable hard drives, multimedia products, graphics cards and accessories.[2]
It has offices in the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Japan, Hong Kong, China, and South Korea. It was the first Taiwanese memory module manufacturer to receive ISO 9001 certification[1] and the first company in the world to offer a lifetime warranty on all of its memory modules. The Company distributes its products primarily in Asia, Europe and the Americas.
Constantine is a 2005 American action horror film directed by Francis Lawrence as his directorial debut, starring Keanu Reeves as John Constantine, with Rachel Weisz, Shia LaBeouf, Tilda Swinton, and Djimon Hounsou. The film is based on Vertigo Comics' Hellblazer comic book, with plot elements taken from the "Dangerous Habits" story arc (issues #41-46) and the "Original Sins" trade paperback.
The film, which was met by film critics with mixed reactions, portrays John Constantine as a cynic with the ability to perceive and communicate with half-angels and half-demons in their true form. He seeks salvation from eternal damnation in Hell for a suicide attempt in his youth. Constantine exorcises demons back to Hell in a bid to earn favor with Heaven but has become weary over time. With death looming, he helps a troubled police detective learn the truth about her sister's death while simultaneously unraveling a much larger and darker plot.
Constantine was released in Hong Kong on March 8, 2005, and in the United States and Canada on March 18, 2005.
After a case involving a full-fledged demon trying to break onto the "human plane," Constantine (Keanu Reeves) seeks an audience with the androgynous half-breed angel Gabriel (Tilda Swinton). Gabriel advises that because he performs the exorcisms for his own benefit, they are vain acts that will not spare him from Hell. After his meeting with Gabriel, Constantine is attacked by a full-fledged demon. After a meeting with a former witch doctor known as Papa Midnite (Djimon Honsou) fails to produce answers, Constantine begins investigating the situation with his associates Beeman (Max Baker), Hennessy (Pruitt Taylor Vince), and Chas Kramer (Shia LaBeouf). L.A.P.D. Detective Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) shows up at Constantine's condo seeking consultation regarding her investigation of the death of her twin sister Isabel, who leapt from the roof of a mental hospital. Constantine tells Angela that God and Lucifer are engaged in a proxy war; a standing wager for the souls of all mankind. Neither true angels nor demons can manifest on Earth, but they are allowed to possess and influence humans.[edit]
Through Hennessy and Beeman's findings, Constantine learns that Mammon, Lucifer's son, seeks to create his own kingdom on Earth by breaking through onto the human plane. To do so, Mammon requires a powerful psychic, Isabel, who was provided by the half-demon Balthazar (Gavin Rossdale). After reporting the information, Hennessy and Beeman are found dead and Constantine concludes that Balthazar was responsible. Angela reveals that she possessed the same gift as her sister but denied it to the point that it became inactive. Constantine reawakens Angela's psychic ability through a near death experience, then hunts down and interrogates Balthazar who reveals that Mammon has obtained the Spear of Destiny, which has the blood of Jesus Christ encrusted on it. Angela is abducted by an unseen force and taken to Isabel's hospital to be used as the portal for Mammon’s entrance to Earth. Constantine storms Midnite’s club and Midnite allows him to use "The Chair", an old electric chair from Sing Sing Prison that had killed over 200 inmates, and it shows Constantine a vision that the Spear was discovered in Mexico and has been brought to Los Angeles. Constantine and Chas head to the hospital and interrupt the ritual, but Chas is beaten to death by an unseen force in the process.
Using incantations and sigils tattooed on his arms, Constantine reveals the force to be Gabriel but the angel promptly subdues Constantine. Gabriel laments God’s favoritism towards humans and believes that bringing Hell to Earth will enable those who survive to become truly worthy of God’s love through repentance and faith. Gabriel then throws Constantine from the room and begins to release Mammon. As Gabriel moves to stab Angela with the Spear and release Mammon, Constantineslits his wrists. Time stops as Lucifer (Peter Stormare) arrives to personally collect his soul. Constantine tells Lucifer about Mammon’s plan and Lucifer sends Mammon back to Hell to keep Mammon from conquering Earth before him. When Gabriel attempts to smite Lucifer, the angel's wings are burned away and Gabriel becomes human. In return for helping Lucifer, Constantine is owed a favor and asks that Isabel be allowed to go to Heaven. Lucifer obliges and begins to drag Constantine to Hell, but his self sacrifice has redeemed him and he begins to rise into Heaven. Infuriated and wishing to reacquire Constantine's soul, Lucifer heals his wounds and cures him of his lung cancer so that he may live again. Constantine departs with the Spear after refusing the temptation to kill Gabriel, and gives the Spear to Angela instructing her to hide it. In the closing scene instead of smoking a cigarette, like in the past, he starts to chew on some nicotine gum. In a post credit scene Constantine visits Chas’ grave and watches as he rises into Heaven as an angel.
- Keanu Reeves as John Constantine, a chain-smoking cynical individual with the ability to perceive the true visage of half-angels and half-demons on the humanplane. Constantine is damned to Hell for committing suicide -- a mortal sin -- and has terminal lung cancer.
- Rachel Weisz as Detective Angela Dodson & Isabel Dodson:
- As Angela Dodson, a troubled Los Angeles Police Department Detective investigating what she believes to be the murder of her twin sister, Isabel.
- As Isabel Dodson, a powerful psychic and involuntarily committed mental patient with the ability to see half-demons and half-angels. She is damned to Hell for committing suicide.
- Shia LaBeouf as Chas Kramer, John Constantine's driver and student. Kramer has a strong interest in the occult and helps Constantine whenever possible in order to gain knowledge and experience from him.
- Tilda Swinton as Gabriel, an androgynous, half-breed angel with a disdain for humanity.
- Pruitt Taylor Vince as Father Hennessy, an insomniac, alcoholic priest with the ability to communicate with the dead. He constantly drinks in order to "keep the voices out".
- Djimon Hounsou as Papa Midnite, a former witch-doctor who once fought against Hell. After swearing an oath of neutrality - unless one side should tip the balance of power - he opened a nightclub to serve as neutral meeting ground for both sides of the war between Heaven and Hell.
- Gavin Rossdale as Balthazar, a half-breed demon with a special penchant for, and personal history with Constantine.
- Peter Stormare as Lucifer, a fallen angel who is in a proxy war with God for the souls of all mankind. Lucifer loathes Constantine with such vigor that Constantine's is the only soul which he would ever come up to the Earth plane from Hell to personally collect.
- Max Baker as Beeman, a friend of Constantine's with a liking for exotic materials and insects. He serves as both a supplier of holy objects and relayer of information to Constantine.
Theatrical release posterDirected by Francis Lawrence Produced by Lorenzo di Bonaventura
Akiva Goldsman
Benjamin Melniker
Lauren Shuler Donner
Erwin Stoff
Michael E. UslanScreenplay by Kevin Brodbin
Frank CappelloStory by Kevin Brodbin Starring Keanu Reeves
Rachel Weisz
Shia LaBeouf
Tilda Swinton
Pruitt Taylor Vince
Djimon HounsouMusic by Klaus Badelt
Brian TylerCinematography Philippe Rousselot Editing by Wayne Wahrman Studio Village Roadshow Pictures
Vertigo DC Comics
Weed Road PicturesDistributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Release date(s) March 8, 2005(Hong Kong)
March 18, 2005(United States)Running time 121 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $100 million Box office $230,884,728[1]