gimmevisual1 Unlocks
Visual Upgrades Tier 1
gimmevisual2 Unlcoks
Visual Upgrades Tier 2
needperformance1 Unlocks
Performance Upgrades Tier 1
needperformance2 Unlcoks
Performance Upgrades Tier 2
goforoldspice Unlocks
Old Spice Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
needmybestbuy Unlocks
Best Buy Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
gotmycingular Unlocks
Cingular Sponsor Vinyl * works in career*
gottahavebk Unlocks
Burger King Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
gottaedge Unlocks
Edge Sponsor Vinyl *works in career*
ordermebaby Gives
$1,000 to start Career mode, and Unlocks Nissan Skyline and Mazda RX-8 in Quick
opendoors The
Doors sponsor car
yodogg Snoop
Dogg sponsor car
wannacapone Capone
sponsor car
shinestreetbright ShinestStreet
sponsor car
wantmyd3 D3
sponsor car
davidchoeart David
Choe sponsor car
tunejapantuning Japantuning
sponsor car
gimmechingy Chingy
Navigator sponsor car
gottaedge Edge
vinyl in Career mode
regmybank Extra
200 in the bank in Career Mode