We completely skipped the instructional Help file because the program's interface was very intuitive. With great onscreen direction and a simple layout, high schoolers and adults will have no trouble navigating things. The various tools were broken into categories of Physics, Chemistry, and Math, with the bulk of the 38 tools in Math and Physics. Ranging from PH Calculators, to Graph Plotters, Unit Converters, and all the way to Radioactive Decay Calculator, this program covered a lot within the three disciplines. The various calculators and tools all had mostly point-and-click commands and asked for simple amounts of data where necessary. While the equations they performed were complicated, we never felt overwhelmed or confused by what was expected of us to solve the problem. We were surprised there were no special features. We would have liked to see ways to customize tools that weren't covered, but didn't think that this hurt the overall program. It was hard to find fault with such a simple, time-saving program.